Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Stench from the Brewery

Specifically, this stench: Durham Cathedral Bookshop: Mark Brewer Responds.

A distressed woman writes to Mark Brewer expressing concern at the loss of a page of tributes to her friend, Steve Jeynes, a man who committed suicide after Mark Brewer ignominiously fired him by email.

The page has gone missing because Mark Brewer threatened Dave Walker, the owner of the page, with legal action.

How does Mark Brewer respond? Graciously, with an apology and a letter to Dave Walker explaining that he didn't mean to include that page in his demands?

NO: instead he replies with a parody of the distressed woman's email as though he were involved in some sort of word-play game.

Putting it bluntly: it stinks. It stinks to high heaven.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Pipped to the Post!!

Drat. I just missed being Matt Wills' 1,000th visitor:

Matt Wills 1001Still, I suppose being 1,001st isn't too bad. Where's the party, Matt??

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

13: Unlucky for some - especially if your name's J Mark Brewer

It's back to school for J Mark Brewer:

13. Finally, with respect to deterring future conduct, the Trustee requests that Mr. Brewer and his firm be sanctioned an additional $10,000 payable to the Clerk of Court and that Mr. Brewer be required to complete 20 hours of continuing legal education in the area of legal ethics over the next year and file a certificate of completion with the Court.

From Motion For Sanctions Against J. Mark Brewer and the Law Firm of Brewer & Pritchard, P.C., posted today at SPCK/SSG: News, Notes & Info

Go there to read the rest, along with Matt Wardman's analysis.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Diary Date: Meeting for ex-SPCK Staff and Other Interested Parties

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Cross-posted from SPCK Watch:

Next Wednesday there is a meeting being held in London. Details of time and where are here

What we need now though are two things: firstly I need to know you are coming. It is open to exSPCK/SSG staff (and current staff if you are willing to come) and those in the publishing/bookselling world. Other interested people can come but let me know please at

Secondly we need to get an agenda together. A lot has happened in the months since this meeting was called. The death of Steve Jeynes. The pension chaos. The petition concerning the Durham shop. The bankrupty case being thrown out. Shops openning in Cardiff and soon to open in Norwich and elsewhere. In all this how can we support each other beyond the blogs? How can we support those who want to start a bookshop to replace the old SPCK/SSG one? How can we provide emotional support for each other? How can we continue to make sure that something rises from the mass destruction caused by the Brewers? Again please let me know what you want discussed. the email to use is the same as above
