Saturday, August 30, 2008

J Mark Brewer: Topping the WordPress Charts

Well you have to hand it to Mr Brewer, he sure knows how to get to the top of the charts...

And congratulations, of course, to Squiggle Jones on helping Mr Brewer find his way: the generous act of a true friend.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Strictly Confidential: A Private and Personal Message for...

Yes, you know who it's for. 

But feel free to say who you think it should be for...

We Shall Sland er... Stand. Sorry: typo.

It seems it was all a mistake. The mighty Mr J Mark Brewer lost track of who he was and didn't realise that it was him posting, so — apparently; have to say 'apparently' because, of course, one can never be certain, even of uncertainty — he signed in to Doug Chaplin's blog with a different email address and denied himself.

What's weirdest is what he seems to have chosen to deny. One of his ex-employees topped himself so Mr Brewer posted a message offering his condolences. Then he came back and said actually it wasn't him that posted that message.

So the good Revd Doug, smelling one mouse-click too many, checked the IP address for both messages and, yes, you've guessed it: identical, and both originating from that haven of caring compassionate Texas lawyers, devoted to service, I'll have you know, Blooper and Stitchard. Sorry, typo: Brewer and Pritchard.

It's all getting kinda messy, methinks. In truth, it stinks. But as somebody said, "What is truth?" Sensible guy, he knew how to fix it: just nail it down. Nice & easy, wash your hands in front of the crowds, smile for the cameras.

Except nails and things are a bit messy in this day and age: far easier to fire off a Cease and Desist by email, especially when you're an "exceptionally well trained" lawyer who knows how to say all the right things. Oh look: A Case Study.

High Weirdness: all praise to Bob!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Dave Walker for President

No doubt about it, people: Dave Walker of Cartoon Church infamy is the man. He's been blasted by a Texas lawyer for crimes against... err... bookshops or something.

Actually no one has yet managed to work out exactly what he's done but hey, y'know, them Texas dudes they sure can shoot. So they did. I think Davey baby looked at 'em sideways or something and he got it in the neck. But y'know, if you're gonna start shooting in enclosed places like the blogosphere you gotta beware of the richochets, dontcha know? 

Hey those bullets went everywhere — blam blam blam blame the cartoonist, ya.

Yaaargh! Ye-ha, ride 'im cowboy. Helluva ride, bucko!

Revd Dr Christian Troll, ah hereby appoint you, sir, yes indeed you, sir, as my attorney at law and mah personal mentor. Hallelujah!