It seems it was all a mistake. The mighty Mr J Mark Brewer lost track of who he was and didn't realise that it was him posting, so — apparently; have to say 'apparently' because, of course, one can never be certain, even of uncertainty —
he signed in to Doug Chaplin's blog with a different email address and denied himself.
What's weirdest is what he seems to have chosen to deny. One of his ex-employees topped himself so Mr Brewer posted a message offering his condolences. Then he came back and said actually it wasn't him that posted that message.
So the good Revd Doug, smelling one mouse-click too many,
checked the IP address for both messages and, yes, you've guessed it: identical, and both originating from that haven of caring compassionate Texas lawyers, devoted to service, I'll have you know, Blooper and Stitchard. Sorry, typo:
Brewer and Pritchard.
It's all getting kinda messy, methinks. In truth, it stinks. But as somebody said, "What is truth?" Sensible guy, he knew how to fix it: just nail it down. Nice & easy, wash your hands in front of the crowds, smile for the cameras.
Except nails and things are a bit messy in this day and age: far easier to fire off a Cease and Desist by email, especially when you're an "exceptionally well trained" lawyer who knows how to say all the right things. Oh look:
A Case Study.
High Weirdness: all praise to Bob!